Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. It was once so rich that Concorde used to fly from Caracas to Paris. But in the last three years its economy has collapsed. Hunger has gripped the nation for years. Now, it’s killing people and animals that are dying of starvation. The Venezuelan government knows, but won’t admit it!!! Four in five Venezuelans live in poverty. People queue for hours to buy food. Much of the time they go without. People are also dying from a lack of medicines. Inflation is at 82,766% and there are warnings it could exceed one million per cent by the end of this year. Venezuelans are trying to get out. The UN says 2.3 million people have fled the country - 7% of the population.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Casting Call: Web Series

Nott Entertainment is casting actors for a web based comedy. This project is SAG, copy, credit, and meals are provided

BILLY BLAKELY, 30, This starving eccentric artist is a ladies man. Billy is a rebel who rides a motorcycle, lives and breathes abstracting art, a legend in his own mind. Has an uncanny resemblance to Jack Sparrow

JARED PIERCE, 30, any type, handsome next door neighbor, love interest, accent is a plus. Please send materials to


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