February 9, 2011
Will let us post his lecture for you all to hear. I recommend it if you are serious about taking your films to the next level.
Listen here - http://beerymedia.com/bsff/WillBattersbyLecture.mp3
More info -
Will Battersby.
Will Battersby has worked on projects as diverse as the documentaries “Trumbo” and “The War Within” to the long running British soap opera, “The East Enders”. Battersby will regale us with stories from the production front, working with Michael Douglas, Joan Allen, Cynthia Nixon and others. He will dig deeper into the reality of making indie films and getting them into festivals and securing domestic and international distribution.
“Making a film must always start with creative inspiration; an idea seizes you, a character just won’t leave you alone, there’s something you need to say. Then you are faced with the reality of the industry: it is a business. For your film to be seen, which is its intrinsic function, someone, somewhere must be able to profit by showing it.” This workshop will be a discussion with producer Will Battersby about strategies and thoughts on navigating those often-murky waters.
A partner in Reno Productions, he is currently in post-production on “The Bleeding” written and directed by graphic novel writer Philip Gelatt and “Certainty” directed by Peter Askin and written by Mike O’Malley. His documentary “Trumbo” starring Liam Neeson, Paul GIamatti, Michael Douglas and Donald Sutherland among others, was distributed by Samuel Goldwyn and went on to win the National Board of Review Freedom of Speech award.
His prior experience includes working at HDNet Films where he worked on such films as Alex Gibney’s “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” and Steven Soderbergh’s “Bubble”. Prior to that Battersby was a Motion Picture Literary Agent at International Creative Management where he represented writers and directors.
Beery Media, LLC is an Emmy nominated, award winning full service video company specializing in Corporate, Association, and Non-Profit productions. Its independent film division has had their short films screened from Cannes to New York City.
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